About ChromX

An e-commerce project expertly leveraged the power of Next.js, which seamlessly combines server-side rendering (SSR) for faster initial page loading, client-side rendering (CSR) for smoother interactions, and improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO). TailwindCSS added a visually appealing touch, while Firebase Auth ensured secure user authentication. Additionally, we seamlessly integrated a dummy JSON API to facilitate realistic data interactions for comprehensive testing. The synergy of Next.js, TailwindCSS, Firebase Auth, and the dummy JSON API resulted in a sophisticated e-commerce platform that met the project requirements with finesse.

Riadh Mouamnia

Riadh Mouamnia

Darine Tag

Darine Tag

Zohir Kioukiou

Zohir Kioukiou

Imane Omari

Imane Omari

Bouchra Djalti

Bouchra Djalti

Chanel Hamel

Chanel Hamel